Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

Oh hi, its me again… not only the worst blogger ever but also a liar… Cause I told you you’d get a post on Sunday and alas, I forgot. But here I am! For Wedding Wednesday!
I only have a few wedding updates to share since last we spoke. We’ve officially booked our rehearsal dinner venue – and I could NOT be more excited! It’s PERFECT. The University Center Club at Doak Campbell Stadium – the palace of the Florida State Seminoles! It will be garnet & gold themed of course and our photographer will be there as well so hopefully we’ll be able to sneak down onto the field for a couple of pictures that night. Kinda like this:

There she is in all her glory! Doak Campebell Stadium! (The Club is on the top floor)

Maybe we will do this? Minus the wedding dress that night of course

The actual room we will be in

 Also, I emailed my photographer the other day and officially let her know that I changed my mind about bridal portraits. We had scheduled a Saturday in January (the same day as my trial run for my hair) to get dolled up like it’s the wedding day and take pictures. But I was having some anxiety about it. A) where would we do them? We don’t have a studio and I don’t want to get my dress dirty. B) What if I lose weight between that day and the wedding? I don’t want to have to get fitted all over again! So I cancelled and M.E. has promised that we will do a rock the dress shoot in the summer where we can get all the pictures we need if I feel unhappy with what we get on the wedding day. I mean, what if my bridal portraits looked like this?!

And one more update: WE HAVE BOOKED OUR HONEYMOON! On March 6 we will be leaving for ::drum roll please:: Paris & Rome for one week of newly wedded bliss! Eeeeeeek!!!! Please please, if you have any tips/recommendations send them my way!

OH and how could I forget – I mailed out our wedding invitations yesterday! I would love to share them with you because I spent a lot of time designing them but let me just tell you – they are unique and I love them.

PS. Have you seen this site? Horrendous! 

PPS. Because its Wedding Wednesday don't forget that I'm linking up with Belle in Boots & Love Always, Nancy J so go check them out!
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  1. So excited for you! Love your reception venue and Paris & Rome sound amazing!! Happy planning! :)

  2. So much excitement happening girl! Yay for rehearsal venues and invites and honeymoons and Rock the Dress too! Just yay! :)

  3. YAY honeymoon! Seriously it is the best week of your life and makes wedding planning all worth it!


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